The Select Board wanted to provide some updates on the many exciting things happening right now in Lunenburg and Gilman! As many of your know, our Municipal Plan Steering Committee is well underway in their work. Thanks to Chairperson Tina Breault and Committee members James Ambruscotto, Cathy Scott and Brad Eaton for volunteering their time for this important work. I'm on the Committee as the Select Board Representative. But wait..that's not all!! Select Board member Harry Williams is guiding efforts for the redesign of our new Town website, working with Northeast Kingdom Online. Progress is well underway and we'll have a new website sooner rather than later. But wait...that's not all! Lister Linda Magoni is spearheading our committee that's researching Town-owned properties. This research can be exhausting because it requires deed verification and following an often limited trail of paperwork to confirm ownership. Thanks to Auditors Luke Robinson and Cathy Scott, Delinquent Tax Collector Rick Mullen and our Agent to Convey Real Estate Diane Peyton for being part of this Committee. But wait...there's more!! Lunenburg/Gilman was fortunate to receive a MERP energy assessment grant (thanks to Sharon Eaton for completing the application on behalf of our communities). This grant provides funds to have all Town-owned buildings assessed for energy efficiency and recommended energy upgrades. Phase 2 of this work could award up to $500,000 to complete those recommended upgrades. Thanks to Amanda Capps who is chairing our MERP Committee, and to Committee members Sharon Eaton, Deb Thomas and your Select Board representative, Alan Amadon for spearheading this effort. All of these Committees welcome your support and input. Committee meetings are always open to residents. We've only scratched the surface of the work to be done. But the work being done by these 4 groups is vital to our communities. Lunenburg and Gilman are on the move!
9 West Main Street
PO Box 54
Lunenburg, VT 05906
Phone: (802) 892-5959